KoreanFoodie's Study
Who Am I? 본문
Who Am I?
의식의 흐름처럼 흘러가는 인생... Time flies!
- 배재고등학교 졸업 (2014.2)
Graudated from PaiChai High school (2014.2)
- 서울대학교 자유전공학부 입학 (2014.3)
Entered Seoul National University, Liberal Studies (2014.3)
- 공군 입대 후 전역 (2015.1 ~ 2017.1)
Military service at Air Force (2015.1 ~ 2017.1)
- 서울대학교 컴퓨터공학부 전공 (2017.1 ~)
Majoring Computer Science & Engineering (2017.1 ~)
- 블록체인 보안 스타트업(수호)에서 인턴 (2018.6 ~ 2018.9)
Intern at Sooho(Blockchain Security Startup) (2018.6 ~ 2018.9)
- 앞으로 더 멋있고 재밌는 기록을 늘릴 예정 (From Now On ~)
Awesome things will be added(From Now On ~)
So, Who Am I?
Hobby : Blogging, Swimming, Karaoke, Pseudo-Gastronomy, Coding(would be great if it's true..)
Specialty : Saying stupid jokes, Cheering someone up.
Personality : Optimistic. Trying to be kind all the time. Struggling to get out of procrastination loop.
Life Motto : Life is suffering, so get your act together!
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