KoreanFoodie's Study
Ultimate Guide to Korean Convenience Store! 본문
I'm introducing fine Korean restaurants/places where actual local Koreans usually go, not only tourist-targeted restaurants.

Brief Review :
- Name : CU convenience store. You can find these in anywhere in Korea.
- Summary : You'll have to use CV hundreds of times if you came to Korea. Why not read a short preview? :) There are literally hundreds of instant cup noodles and snacks, so it's a good place for snack lovers like me!
- Prices : 0.1~INFINITY$
- Rating : Do I have to?
- Recommendation/How to order : Instant cup noodle is a good place to start.
Ok, let's see what they got. For most part, I think every CV in any other countries is similar, but devils is in the details. Let me focus on the food!

Upper part is sandwich, obviously. Can you see the black-triangle shaped food? They are 삼각김밥(Triangle-Shaped Gimbab). Variety of ingredients will be put inside of rice and then it is being wrapped with dried seaweed. I ate them a lot in highschool. I think loyal customers are junior high and high school students.

Well, if you're not in a mood for 삼각김밥(Triangle-shaped Gimbab), you can choose to eat packed meal. Well, it's packed in food factory, not in home. Use the microwave oven to make it warm. It's actually not that.. no, let's be honest, i don't like it! I only eat those when I don't have any other option. But at least you can consume energy..

It's somewhat irony that there are healthy food like salad and fruits beneath the evil.

Well they're notes. Boring!

Boring #2. But why do they sell table tennis racket?

Well, there are literally hundreds of instant cup noodles in Korea. Almost every week, new product comes out. Some will flourish, some will wither. God only knows which will survive.

This is the one i really love. Black one is the most spicy one i guess. It's a torture rather than a food. I personally prefer pink one, since it is softer then the black. They reminds me of 2 years of military service. I literally ate those to consume energy.

Ice creams for fatties like me. But hagendaz is too expensive!!

You should try one of these hehe. My recommendation : 돼지바(Pig ice cream bar). It will make you.. happy.

In case you get thirsty. How about trying some tea? Korean teas are nice, I guess.

Ok it's for Korean Snack time. If you want to know more about Korean snack, please leave a comment or DM me!

Of course you can find chickens. I can even see sweet potatoes at the bottom.

I love yakitori. Or shish kebab? I don't care what it's called. I just love it.
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